Misreading a flawed study, Quillette, Feb. 10, 2025.


We were wrong to panic about secondhand smoke. A recent study from the American Cancer Society reports a negligible risk from passive smoking. Reason, Oct. 16, 2024.

A groundbreaking pineapple-flavored spray vaccine could prevent urinary tract infections for up to 9 years, Genetic Literacy Project, April 10, 2024.

What does the National Toxicology Program’s cancellation of its $30-dollar animal study tell us about health risks from cell phones? Genetic Literacy Project, February 7, 2024.

Robert Kemp Adair: notes on a friendship. Quillette, Jan. 12, 2024


Can coffee drinking prevent Covid infection? Genetic Literacy Project, Dec. 12, 2023.

Twitter/X’s race to the disinformation bottom: Are we losing a valuable forum for rational discussion? Genetic Literacy Project, Nov. 6, 2023.

Clearing out my father’s office: reflections on a vibrant scientific career cut short, Quillette, Sept. 29, 2023.

Dogmatism, Data, and Public Health: A look back on the 2003 BMJ controversy over passive smoking and mortality. Quillette, Sept. 15, 2023.

Sally Kabat: Works on paper and canvas — another way of seeing, Medium, June 18, 2023.

Viewpoint: Concerned whether pesticides in the environment are safe? Listen to hands-on experts, not ideologues. Genetic Literacy Project, February 7, 2023.


Crucial misrepresentations about glyphosate continue to threaten agriculture. This scientist explains how the UN agency IARC appears to have deliberately manipulated the data. Genetic Literacy Project, Sept. 27, 2022.

The Guardian and Carey Gillam join long list of activists who misrepresent the science of glyphosate and exaggerate the risk of pesticides. Genetic Literacy Project, July 19, 2022.

Unraveling the mystery of who gets lung cancer — and why. Genetic Literacy Project, June 14, 2022.

Remembering the Jewish Yugoslavia that the Nazis destroyed. Qullette, April 6, 2022.


Remembering Auschwitz and the 1.1 million people who died there. Genetic Literacy Project, Dec. 1, 2021.

Face to face with the Auschwitz Memorial Twitter Project, Quillette, Nov. 5, 2021.

Sperm count culture war, Quillette, June 16, 2021.

Viewpoint: Epidemiology in crisis? Scientists and health journalists need to embrace ‘skeptical science.’ Here’s a checklist for detecting over-hyped scares. Genetic Literacy Project, May 25, 2021.

Viewpoint: Advocacy disguised as journalism? Carey Gillam, the prolific purveyor of crop biotechnology and agri-chemical disinformation. Genetic Literacy Project, May 4, 2021.

Viewpoint: Will 5G harm you? Activist groups succeed in stirring conspiracy health risk phobias, as New York State legislature prepares to debate ‘growing evidence’ of harm. Genetic Literacy Project, Mar. 30, 2021.

Glyphosate on trial: In an ‘unequal contest’ between science and emotion, can evidence overcome pesticide-cancer fears? Genetic Literacy Project, Mar. 16, 2021.

Robert Kemp Adair — a personal remembrance. Medium, Mar. 15, 2021.

Viewpoint: The New York Times’ Nicholas Kristof again echoes scientifically dubious fears about falling sperm counts and ‘endocrine disrupting’ chemicals. Genetic Literacy Project, Mar. 1, 2021.

Coffee reduces the risk of heart failure? What are we to make of a new study based on artificial intelligence (A.I.)? Genetic Literacy Project, Feb. 23, 2021.

The glyphosate debacle: How a misleading study about the alleged risks of the weedkiller Roundup and gullible reporters helped fuel a cancer scare. (part 1) Genetic Literacy Project, Feb. 9, 2021.

‘Symptom of a widespread problem’: Misleading glyphosate-cancer study raises questions about ideological zeal in science. (part 2) Genetic Literacy Project, Feb. 10, 2021.

“On recent meta-analyses of exposure to glyphosate and risk of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma,” Cancer Causes and Control, January 15, 2021.


‘Health impact of chemicals doubled in last 5 years’? Gullible media misreporting flawed studies mislead the public. Genetic Literacy Project, August 19, 2020.

New Lancet paper on endocrine disruptors presents a badly distorted picture. RealClearScience, August 15, 2020.

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Daniel Defoe’s account of London bubonic plague of 1665 offers a shock of recognition. Genetic Literacy Project, July 21, 2020.

The two faces of meta-analysis. Significance, June, 2020.

Viewpoint: Coronavirus journal — anatomy of a pandemic. Genetic Literacy Project, April 7, 2020.

Podcast: “Apples to oranges: use and abuse of meta-analysis,” Talking Biotech Podcast with Dr. Kevin Folta, April 4, 2020.

We’ll learn a lot from the coronavirus outbreak, but it will be “paid for in blood.” Genetic Literacy Project, March 18, 2020.

Thoughts on the coronavirus pandemic in the light of other health risks. Medium, March 16, 2020.

Remember the questionable study claiming glyphosate boosts cancer risk 41%? Lead author reasserts her claim, EPA refutes it, and we take a second look. Genetic Literacy Project, Feb. 25, 2020.

On the beachfront in Rio. Medium, Feb. 11, 2020.


Who’s afraid of Roundup? Issues in Science and Technology, Fall 2019.

My encounter with Andre Gregory. Medium, Nov. 9 2019

Critical flaws plague a new study linking ‘heavy’ exposure to pesticides to cardiovascular disease. Genetic Literacy Project, Oct. 1, 2019.

With the coming rollout of 5G wireless, we can expect a new generation of health care concerns. RealClearScience. April 30, 2019.

Probable carcinogenicity of glyphosate. Rapid response to BMJ, April 12, 2019.

"Heard Immunity" -- In An Age Of Vaccine Skepticism, It Is Critical To Understand Herd Immunity. Forbes, Feb. 26, 2018.

41% glyphosate-cancer increase claim under fire: Did authors of new meta-study deliberately manipulate data or just botch their analysis? Genetic Literacy Project, Feb. 18, 2019.

In Germany And Austria, Visits To Radon Health Spas Are Covered By Health Insurance, Forbes, Feb. 2, 2019.

Radon health cures —who knew? Forbes, Jan. 26. 2019.


Further insights into the NTP rodent study. Forbes, Nov. 8, 2018.

What does bombarding rodents with cell phone radiation tell us about risks to humans? Forbes, Nov. 4, 2018.

Tribal epistemology: the final frontier. Forbes, October 16, 2018.

The Guardian’s scare piece on glyphosate and cancer is designed to fuel a tsunami of lawsuits. Forbes, October 11, 2018.

With defenders like these, the International Agency for Research on Cancer hardly needs enemies. Forbes, August 17, 2018.

Does IARC’s proposed revision of its preamble signal a real change in the agency’s behavior?  Forbes, June 6, 2018.

Dissension Emerges Over The Results Of A 30-Million-Dollar Federal Study Of BPA. American Council on Science and Health, April 30, 2018.

Sorting out which side to believe in an era of alternative facts. Forbes, May 5, 2018.

What we know about coffee and cancer – California and IARC, take note. Forbes, March 12, 2018.

In an age of vaccine skepticism it is critical to understand herd immunity. Forbes, February 26, 2018.

In California coffee may soon be listed as a carcinogen.  Forbes, February 18, 2018.

The option to save a life. Forbes, January 12, 2018.


What The Best U.S. Data Have To Say About Brain Cancer Rates,  Forbes, Dec. 27, 2017

Are Brain Cancer Rates Increasing, And Do Changes Relate To Cell Phone Use? Forbes, Dec. 23, 2017

California's latest precautionary move against "cell phone radiation," Forbes, Dec. 17, 2017

IARC's Glyphosate-gate Scandal, Forbes, October 23, 2017

There Are Signs Of A Troubling Decline In Male Fertility, But The Causes Are Unclear, Forbes, Sept. 10, 2017

Are Sperm Counts Truly Declining, And, If So, What Is Likely To Be The Cause? Forbes, August 28, 2017

Taking Distrust of Science Seriously.  EMBO Reports, May 30, 2017

Assessing The Influence Of Environmental Pollution On Cancer, Forbes, May 13, 2017 

The Trouble Lies Not In Our Sperm, Poor Nick, Forbes Mar. 12, 2017 

Trump, Vaccines, And Science Under Threat Forbes, Jan. 30, 2017

Michael Lewis' New Book Carries An Essential Message For Our Time, Forbes, Jan. 7, 2017


Nature editorial exploits public anxiety on endocrine disruptors. Genetic Literacy Project website, Dec. 15, 2016  

While Unlikely To Be Carcinogenic, The Herbicide Glyphosate Is A Symptom Of A Deep Social Pathology, Forbes, Nov. 21, 2016

Testing Traditions: the World Health Organization has failed to apply scientific rigor to traditional medicines. This is bad for everyone.  Slate, Sept. 7, 2016 

IARC Lets Coffee Off The Hook But Only Deepens The Confusion, Forbes, June 18, 2016

The New Rat Study Of Cell Phone Radiation Is No Smoking Gun, Forbes, May 28, 2016

Do Most Americans Consume Too Much Salt? The Unhealthy Controversy Over Salt Intake, Forbes, Apr. 27, 2016

A 'Cancer Moonshot' Is The Wrong Analogy, Forbes, Feb. 10, 2016 


The Crisis Of Peer Review, Forbes, Nov. 23, 2015

Having It Both Ways On What Causes Cancer, Forbes Nov. 19, 2015

How coffee became a carcinogen: The World Health Organization’s classification system is seriously flawed. Slate, Oct. 30, 2015 

Ken Burns' Magisterial 'Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies', Forbes, Apr. 4, 2015

How Many Scientists Does It Take To Squelch A Critic? Hint: 124, Forbes, Mar. 10, 2015

Most Cancers May Simply Be Due To Bad Luck, Forbes, Jan. 4, 2015 


When Anomalous Results Get The Most Attention, Forbes, Nov. 15, 2014 

The Alternative Universe In Which BPA Is A Major Health Threat, Forbes, Oct. 24, 2014

The Raging Controversy Over BPA Shows No Signs Of Abating, Forbes, Sept. 4, 2014

The New York Times Revisits The "Debate" Over Electromagnetic Fields, Reviving Baseless Fears, While Ignoring What Has Been Learned, Forbes, July 8, 2014

We Are Nowhere Near Understanding The Causes Of Obesity And How To Prevent It, Forbes June 9, 2014

Much Conventional Wisdom About The Causes Of The Obesity Epidemic May Be Wrong, Forbes, June 2, 2014

Should Mammography Be Abolished? Forbes, May 24, 2014

Top Scientists Call For Reform Of "Unsustainable" Biomedical Research Enterprise, Forbes, May 5, 2014

We Worry About Trace Amounts Of BPA While Playing Russian Roulette With Dietary Supplements, Forbes, April 11, 2014

A New Report Documents How Smoking and its Consequences Are Increasingly Confined to the Poor -- A Trend Which Was Pointed Out Forty Years Ago! Forbes, Mar. 30, 2014

The Disappearance of Malaysia Flight 370 Represents An Affront To Our Most Basic Assumptions About Reality, Forbes, Mar. 16, 2016

How Credible Is CDC's 43 Percent Decline In Obesity In Young Children? Forbes, Feb. 27, 2014

Sochi and Syria: How Can We Watch The Olympics Knowing What is Going on a Few Hundred Miles Away in Syria? Forbes, Feb. 19, 2014

There Is An Urgent Need To Address The "Terrible Situation Of Chronic Disease In Developing Countries," Forbes, Feb 2, 2014

Weight Gain Starting In Adolescence Is Linked To Greater Mortality Later in Life, Forbes, Jan. 17, 2014

Can The Obesity Epidemic Be Reversed -- Or Does Obesity Represent A New Stage In Human Evolution? Forbes, Jan. 6, 2014


The Passive Smoking Issue Is A Rorschach Test For The Ability To Think Scientifically, Forbes, Dec. 21, 2013

Six Solid Ways To Reduce Your Cancer Risk -- And That Of Your Children, Forbes, Dec. 6, 2014

Maintaining A Healthy Body Weight Is Key To A Healthy Body, Forbes, Nov. 19, 2013

To Combat Some Big Diseases, We Should Focus On The Basics, Forbes Mar. 27, 2013

Cell Phone Conspiracy Theorists Prefer To Indulge In Ad Hominem Attacks Rather Than Debate The Science, Forbes Mar. 20, 2013

Finer-Grained Data Transform Our Understanding Of The Holocaust, Forbes, Mar. 13, 2013 3

Do Cell Phones Cause Brain Cancer? The Conspiracy Theorists Say Yes, Forbes, Mar. 10, 2013  

Do Cell Phones Cause Brain Cancer? The Diehards Cling Desperately To Opinion, Forbes, Mar. 5, 2013

After 40 Years Of Research, What Do We Know About Preventing Breast Cancer? Forbes, Feb. 24, 2013

What Caused A Billion Dollar Federal Study Of Child Health To Implode? Forbes, Feb. 4, 2013

Making Room for the Unseen in Tackling Complex Problems, Forbes, Jan. 17, 2013

How Useful Is Body Mass Index In Predicting Long-Term Health? Forbes, Jan. 6, 2013 


Natural Does Not Mean Safe. Slate, Nov. 26, 2012

How Activism Distorts The Assessment Of Health Risks, Forbes, Nov. 20, 2012

The Bad News About the Good News About Chocolate, Forbes, April 1, 2012  

Will Removing Menthol From Cigarettes Improve Health? Forbes, Mar. 27, 2012


Does Coffee Drinking Really Protect Against Devastating Diseases? Forbes, Dec. 6, 2011

Behind The World Health Organization's "Cancerous" Pronouncement On Cell Phones, Forbes, Aug. 23, 2011


Defending the achievements, if not the style, of the anti-smoking movement.  2010   In: R. Veras (ed.) Myths and Misconceptions about Environmental Tobacco Smoke: Dissenting Views. Rio de Janeiro: UnATI, 2010, pp. 29-35. 

Hyping Health Risks in Brazil.  Columbia University Press Blog, June 8, 2010


Is “Thirdhand Tobacco Smoke” a Valid Scientific Concept or a Public Relations Gimmick?